Friday, August 28, 2009

Abortion clinic bomber urges 'don't kill babies, wait until they become adults.'

“Abortion is murder,” said Eric Rudolph, who confessed to several abortion clinic bombings. “But murdering adults is not murder,” reasoned Rudolph, adding, “besides, murdering adults is a lot more fun.” He said, “adults can feel pain. They have fully developed organs, not to mention they often have close friendships and bonds with others. So killing them helps to maximize the overall pain quotient.” Rudolph encouraged others, "don't kill babies, wait until they become adults."


  1. Admit you are a socialist sir!

    Everyone knows killing babies is evil and sin!

    Killing killers is moral and righteous!

    Read your Bible!

    Babies are people even in the womb and probably before as God is keeping them for us!

    Would you kill babies while God keeps them, likely you socialist!

    People like you are destroying America!

    Love it or leave it you socialist!

  2. I agree with cphil - your a socialist!

    Stop hating America, killing babies, defending liberal causes.

    Obama will likely destroy America in the couple years - hope you are happy socialist!

